Running zodbshootout


zodbshootout can be executed in one of two ways. The first and most common is via the zodbshootout script created by pip or buildout:

# In an active environment with zodbshootout on the path
$ zodbshootout ...arguments...
# in a non-active virtual environment
$ path/to/venv/bin/zodbshootout ...arguments...

zodbshootout can also be directly invoked as a module using the python interpreter where it is installed:

python -m zodbshootout

This documentation will simply refer to the zodbshootout script, but both forms are equivalent.


For the most repeatable, stable results, it is important to choose a fixed value for the hash seed used for Python’s builtin objects (str, bytes, etc). On CPython 2, this means not passing the -R argument to the interpreter, and not having the PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable set to random. On CPython 3, this means having the PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable set to a fixed value. On a Unix-like system, this invocation will work for both versions:

$ PYTHONHASHSEED=0 zodbshootout ...arguments...

Configuration File

The zodbshootout script requires the name of a database configuration file. The configuration file contains a list of databases to test, in ZConfig format. The script then writes and reads each of the databases while taking measurements. During this process, the measured times are output for each test of each database; there are a number of command-line options to control the output or save it to files for later analysis. (See the pyperf user guide for information on configuring the output and adjusting the benchmark process.)

An example of a configuration file testing the built-in ZODB file storage, a few variations of ZEO, and RelStorage would look like this:

# This configuration compares a database running raw FileStorage
# (no ZEO), along with a databases running FileStorage behind ZEO
# with a persistent ZEO cache, with some other databases.
# *This test can only run with a concurrency level of 1 if using
# multiple processes. To use higher concurrency levels, you need to
# use ``--threads``.*

%import relstorage

<zodb fs>
        path var/Data2.fs

<zodb zeofs_pcache>
        server localhost:24003
        client 0
        var var
        cache-size 200000000

<zodb zeo_fs>
        server localhost:24003

<zodb mysql_hf>
        keep-history false
        poll-interval 5
            db relstoragetest_hf
            user relstoragetest
            passwd relstoragetest

<zodb mysql_hf_mc>
        keep-history false
        poll-interval 5
        cache-module-name relstorage.pylibmc_wrapper
        cache-servers localhost:24005
            db relstoragetest_hf
            user relstoragetest
            passwd relstoragetest

The corresponding ZEO configuration file would look like this:

  address 24003
  read-only false
  invalidation-queue-size 100
  pid-filename var/
  # monitor-address PORT
  # transaction-timeout SECONDS

<filestorage 1>
  path var/Data.fs


If you’ll be using RelStorage, you’ll need to have the appropriate RDBMS processes installed, running, and properly configured. Likewise, if you’ll be using ZEO, you’ll need to have the ZEO server running. For pointers to more information, see Installation.


The zodbshootout script accepts the following options. A description of each option follows the text output.

$ zodbshootout --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 11, in <module>
    load_entry_point('zodbshootout==0.9.0.dev0', 'console_scripts', 'zodbshootout')()
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 136, in main
    from pyperf import Runner
  File "/home/docs/checkouts/", line 1, in <module>
    from time import perf_counter
ImportError: cannot import name perf_counter

Changed in version 0.7: You can now specify just a subset of benchmarks to run by giving their names as extra command line arguments after the configuration file.


These options control the objects put in the database.

  • --object-counts specifies how many persistent objects to write or read per transaction. The default is 1000.

    Changed in version 0.7: The old alias of -n is no longer accepted; pyperf uses that to determine the number of loop iterations.

    Also, this can now only be used once.

    Changed in version 0.6: Specify this option more than once to run the tests with different object counts.

  • --btrees causes the data to be stored in the BTrees optimized for ZODB usage (without this option, a PersistentMapping will be used). This is an advanced option that may be useful when tuning particular applications and usage scenarios. This adds additional objects to manage the buckets that make up the BTree. However, if IO BTrees are used (the default when this option is specified) internal storage of keys as integers may reduce pickle times and sizes (and thus improve cache efficiency). This option can take an argument of either IO or OO to specify the type of BTree to use.

    This option is especially interesting on PyPy or when comparing the pure-Python implementation of BTrees to the C implementation.

    New in version 0.6.

  • --zap recreates the tables and indexes for a RelStorage database or a ZODB FileStorage. This option completely destroys any existing data. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to do this for each database that supports it. This is handy for comparing Python 2 and Python 3 (which can’t otherwise use the same database schemas).


    This option destroys all data in the relevant database.

    Changed in version 0.7: You can now specify an argument of force to disable the prompt and zap all databases. You can also give a comma separated list of database names to zap; only those databases will be cleared (without prompting).

    New in version 0.6.

  • --min-objects ensures that at least the specified number of objects exist in the database independently of the objects being tested. If the database packs away objects or if --zap is used, this option will add back the necessary number of objects. If there are more objects, nothing will be done. This option is helpful for testing for scalability issues.

    New in version 0.7.

  • --blobs causes zodbshootout to read and write blobs instead of simple persistent objects. This can be useful for testing options like shared blob dirs on network filesystems, or RelStorage’s blob-chunk-size, or for diagnosing performance problems. If objects have to be added to meet the --min-objects count, they will also be blobs. Note that because of the way blobs work, there will be two times the number of objects stored as specified in --object-counts. Expect this option to cause the test to be much slower.

    New in version 0.7.


These options control the concurrency of the testing.

  • -c (--concurrency) specifies how many tests to run in parallel. The default is 2. Each of the concurrent tests runs in a separate process to prevent contention over the CPython global interpreter lock. In single-host configurations, the performance measurements should increase with the concurrency level, up to the number of CPU cores in the computer. In more complex configurations, performance will be limited by other factors such as network latency.

    Changed in version 0.7: This option can only be used once.

    Changed in version 0.6: Specify this option more than once to run the tests with different concurrency levels.

  • --threads uses in-process threads for concurrency instead of multiprocessing. This can demonstrate how the GIL affects various database adapters under RelStorage, for instance. It can also have demonstrate the difference that warmup time makes for things like PyPy’s JIT.

    By default or if you give the shared argument to this option, all threads will share one ZODB DB object and re-use Connections from the same pool; most threaded applications will use ZODB in this manner. If you specify the unique argument, then each thread will get its own DB object. In addition to showing how the thread locking strategy of the underlying storage affects things, this can also highlight the impact of shared caches.

    New in version 0.6.

  • --gevent monkey-patches the system and uses cooperative greenlet concurrency in a single process (like --threads, which it implies; you can specify --threads unique to change the database sharing).

    This option is only available if gevent is installed.


    Not all storage types will work properly with this option. RelStorage will, but make sure you select a gevent-compatible driver like PyMySQL or pg8000 for best results. If your driver is not compatible, you may experience timeouts and failures, including UnexpectedChildDeathError. zodbshootout attempts to compensate for this, but may not always be successful.

    New in version 0.6.


These options control how many times tests are repeated.

Changed in version 0.7: The old -r and --test-reps options were removed. Instead, use the --loops, --values and --processes options provided by pyperf.


  • -p (--profile) enables the Python profiler while running the tests and outputs a profile for each test in the specified directory. Note that the profiler typically reduces the database speed by a lot. This option is intended to help developers isolate performance bottlenecks.

    New in version 0.6.

  • --leaks prints a summary of possibly leaking objects after each test repetition. This is useful for storage and ZODB developers.

    Changed in version 0.7: The old -l alias is no longer accepted.

    New in version 0.6.


These options control the output produced.

Changed in version 0.7: The --dump-json argument was removed in favor of pyperf’s native output format, which enables much better analysis using pyperf show.

If the -o argument is specified, then in addition to creating a single file containing all the test runs, a file will be created for each database, allowing for direct comparisons using pyperf’s compare_to command.

  • --log enables logging to the console at the specified level. If no level is specified but this option is given, then INFO logging will be enabled. This is useful for details about the workings of a storage and the effects various options have on it.

    Changed in version 0.8: This option can also take a path to a ZConfig logging configuration file.

    New in version 0.6.

You should write a configuration file that models your intended database and network configuration. Running zodbshootout may reveal configuration optimizations that would significantly increase your application’s performance.