Creating a Complete Test Environment Using Buildout


Using buildout will download and compile native programs including databases and memcached. Most users should use their operating system’s package manager to install the required databases and services and pip to install zodbshootout and the python dependencies.


The buildout configuration distributed with zodbshootout should be considered a sample. It has undergone limited testing, and is only supported on Python 2 and OS X and certain flavors of Linux. Other Unix platforms will have to tweak it.

First, be sure you have certain packages installed so you can compile software. Ubuntu and Debian users should do this (tested with Ubuntu 8.04, Ubuntu 9.10, Debian Etch, and Debian Lenny):

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
$ sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev libevent-dev libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev

Download the zodbshootout tar file. Unpack it and change to its top level directory:

$ tar xvzf zodbshootout-*.tar.gz
$ cd zodbshootout-*

Set up that same directory as a partly isolated Python environment using virtualenv:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages .

Install Buildout in that environment. (This command will create a script named bin/buildout.):

$ bin/pip install zc.buildout

Run Buildout. Buildout will follow the instructions specified by buildout.cfg to download, compile, and initialize versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL (on OS X and 64-bit linux, pre-built binaries will be downloaded). It will also install several other Python packages. This may take a half hour or more the first time:

$ bin/buildout

If that command fails, first check for missing dependencies. The dependencies are listed above. To retry, just run bin/buildout again.

Once Buildout completes successfully, start the test environment using Supervisord:

$ bin/supervisord

Confirm that Supervisor started all processes:

$ bin/supervisorctl status

If all processes are running, the test environment is now ready. Run a sample test:

$ bin/zodbshootout samples/sample.conf

The sample.conf test compares the performance of RelStorage with MySQL and PostgreSQL, along with FileStorage behind ZEO, where the client and server are located on the same computer.

See also remote-sample.conf, which tests database speed over a network link. Set up remote-sample.conf by building zodbshootout on two networked computers, then point the client at the server by changing the %define host line at the top of remote-sample.conf. The sample directory contains other sample database configurations.